Never Forget and Always Remember
Never Forget and Always Remember
The Holocaust survivor Peter Rosenfeld Span will be the guest of a special event on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Renan Koen´s Concert @ Washington Holocaust Commemoration
Renan Koen´s Concert @ Washington Holocaust Commemoration
The famous pianist, composer, soprano, and music therapist Renan Koen is going to perform a live concert during the online Washington Congressional Holocaust Commemoration which will take place at 21:00 (Turkey time), on January 27th.
Holocaust Victims Memorial Concert: ´Music In Order Not to Forget´
Holocaust Victims Memorial Concert: ´Music In Order Not to Forget´
The live broadcast concert themed In Memory of the Holocaust Victims 'Music In Order Not to Forget' ('Musica per non Dimenticare'), which will be pres...
Erdoğan: "President of Israel May Visit Turkey Soon"
Erdoğan: "President of Israel May Visit Turkey Soon"
President Tayyip Erdoğan, during the press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at Beştepe Presidential Palace, stated that the President of Israel Isaac Herzog may be visiting Turkey.
Alberto Modiano at 1st Beautiful Istanbul Photography Competition Jury
Alberto Modiano at 1st Beautiful Istanbul Photography Competition Jury
The awards of 2nd Istanbul Story Competition and 1st Beautiful Istanbul Photography Competition organized by the CHP (Republican People's Party) Istan...
Honorary President of Turkish Jewish Community, Bensiyon Pinto, was Bid Farewell on His Last Journey
Honorary President of Turkish Jewish Community, Bensiyon Pinto, was Bid Farewell on His Last Journey
Translation by Janet MITRANIThe first and only Honorary President of the Turkish Jewish Community, Bensiyon Pinto, who had served our country and our ...
Turkish Jewish Community´s Honorary President Bensiyon Pinto Lost His Life
Turkish Jewish Community´s Honorary President Bensiyon Pinto Lost His Life
Bensiyon Pinto, the first and only Honorary President of the Turkish Jewish Community, has lost his life.From his early years, Bensiyon Pinto dedicate...
´Tell Me Your Story´: An Outdoor Exhibition in Şişli
´Tell Me Your Story´: An Outdoor Exhibition in Şişli
The collective art project of 20 artists, of whom 10 are Turkish and 10 are Israeli, ´Tell Me Your Story´ is now an outdoor exhibition at Şişli district of Istanbul.
2022´s First Exhibition at Schneidertempel: ´Newspaper´
2022´s First Exhibition at Schneidertempel: ´Newspaper´
This year´s first cartoon exhibition at Schneidertempel, Tan Oral´s ´Newspaper´ will be opening on Thursday, January 13th.
Izmir Jewish Culture Introduced with Seminars
Izmir Jewish Culture Introduced with Seminars
The online seminar program titled ´Deepenings on Izmir Jewish Culture Heritage´ will start on January 19th. The seminars are being organized by Ebruli Tur.
Statue for Avram Galante in Bodrum
Statue for Avram Galante in Bodrum
Bodrum Municipality simplified and republished the book ´Bodrum Tarihi [Bodrum History]´ which had been written by Professor Avram Galante in 1945. During the event on January 4th, as well as promoting the book, the statue that has been made in honor of Avram Galante was inaugurated.
What Would You Say for 2021?
What Would You Say for 2021?
We as the Şalom Newspaper asked our readers what the most important incidents and issues of 2021 were. Here are the incidents and issues that made their marks in 2021...
Remains of 7th Century Synagogue Discovered in Antalya
Remains of 7th Century Synagogue Discovered in Antalya
During the ongoing excavations in Side district of Antalya, the remains of a synagogue from the 7th century were discovered under a house. The remains discovered were classified as the first evidence pertaining to the Jews that had been known to have lived in the region.
President Erdoğan Gave a Speech at Reception for the Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States
President Erdoğan Gave a Speech at Reception for the Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave a speech at the reception he gave for the Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States and the members of the Turkish Jewish Community.
Rabbis in Islamic States Meeting for their First Summit in Turkey were Accepted by President Erdoğan
Rabbis in Islamic States Meeting for their First Summit in Turkey were Accepted by President Erdoğan
On December 22nd, rabbis from Islamic countries all over the world came together in Turkey for the first time, for the ´First Annual Summit of Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States´.
YÖRET Foundation´s Accomplishments in 50 Years
YÖRET Foundation´s Accomplishments in 50 Years
The YÖRET Social Development and Education Foundation, which has reached more than 222,000 children and more than 192,000 parents through their projects focused on decreasing violence against children, organized a meeting hosted by ITÜ (Istanbul Technical University) Foundation, on December 7th.
Selim Hubeş, Master of Ladino Music, Lost His Life
Selim Hubeş, Master of Ladino Music, Lost His Life
Selim Hubeş who had performed in numerous concerts within the Los Pasharos Sepharadis Ladino music group, in Turkey and abroad, together with Izz...
Farewell Visit from US Ambassador
Farewell Visit from US Ambassador
David M. Satterfield, the United States of America Ambassador to Turkey, following the completion of his services, paid a farewell visit to the Chief ...
Sephardic Communities from Around the World Came Together at National Sephardic Community Gala
Sephardic Communities from Around the World Came Together at National Sephardic Community Gala
Sephardic Communities from around the world came together to honor Dr. Albert Bourla, Sarah Aroeste, & Albert Maimon for their contributions to society. Greek, Turkish, and Israeli Ambassadors light menorah together in unique demonstration of unity. La Ermandad Sefaradi honored exemplary members of the community at the National Sephardic Community Gala
Moshe Arditi, MD, Admitted As Full Member of Science Academy
Moshe Arditi, MD, Admitted As Full Member of Science Academy
Moshe Arditi, MD, has been admitted as the full member of the Science Academy which had been established on November 25th, 2011 in Istanbul, as an independent non-governmental organization, to promote, exemplify and uphold the principles of scientific merit, freedom, and integrity.
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