´Jewish Identity Engraved on Stones´ Exhibition from the Museum of Turkish Jews
´Jewish Identity Engraved on Stones´ Exhibition from the Museum of Turkish Jews
The Museum of Turkish Jews, as a groundbreaking development in Turkey, is bringing together the archeology and history professionals and enthusiasts, with a new exhibition shedding light on the 2600-year history of Jewish existence on the Anatolian lands. ´Jewish Identity Engraved on Stones´ Exhibition is being opened on November 4th (today) at the Zülfaris Synagogue.
Emre Aviyente´s ´Go´ Success
Emre Aviyente´s ´Go´ Success
Emre Aviyente is qualified to join the Turkish National Team for the strategic mind game ´Go (Weichi)´.
Parochet Workshop @ Museum of Turkish Jews
Parochet Workshop @ Museum of Turkish Jews
The Quincentenial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews organized a ´Parochet Workshop´ on October 10-17, with the support of the International Shalom Corps, contributions of Ulus Jewish High School (UOML) and led by Nisya Isman Allovi, the Head and Curator of the Museum, and artist Eti Koen.
Bahar Akpinar will Present at the University of London
Bahar Akpinar will Present at the University of London
Şalom writer Bahar Akpinar will be the first Turkish citizen to present her work at the University of London.
2003 Synagogue Attacks Commemorated 18 Years Later
2003 Synagogue Attacks Commemorated 18 Years Later
The brutal synagogue attacks in 2003 and the lives lost in those attacks were commemorated once again yesterday, on Tuesday, October 26th, with a ceremony held in Neve Shalom Synagogue.
Ilber Ortayli´s Visit to ´Synagogues of Turkey´ Exhibition
Ilber Ortayli´s Visit to ´Synagogues of Turkey´ Exhibition
Translation by Janet MITRANIOn Sunday, October 17th, distinguished historian, Prof. Ilber Ortayli visited the introduction exhibition of the 'Synagogu...
Izmir Jewish Heritage Project Aims to Revitalize City´s Ancient Sephardic Synagogues
Izmir Jewish Heritage Project Aims to Revitalize City´s Ancient Sephardic Synagogues
The Izmir Jewish Heritage Project was launched in the Turkish city of Izmir to preserve the city´s unique complex of centuries-old Sephardic synagogues. This major preservation project promises to establish a museum that will highlight and promote the city´s rich Jewish cultural heritage.
Great Loss for Turkish Press; Sami Kohen Passed Away
Great Loss for Turkish Press; Sami Kohen Passed Away
The doyen of the Turkish press, Sami Kohen, passed away at the age of 93, at the hospital where he was being treated.
´European Day of Jewish Culture´ will be Celebrated on October 24th
´European Day of Jewish Culture´ will be Celebrated on October 24th
This year in the framework of the ´European Day of Jewish Culture´, a series of events to introduce the Turkish Jewish culture and heritage along with its music, dance, delicacies, and traditions will take place on Sunday, October 24th.
Following the Traces of Jewish Culture
Following the Traces of Jewish Culture
Various events and trips are being organized in different cities of Turkey, to unearth the traces of the historic and cultural existence of Jews located all over the country and create awareness among the wider community.
Culture Trips by Despertar Izmir Project Continued
Culture Trips by Despertar Izmir Project Continued
The culture trips organized by the Despertar Izmir Project of the Izmir Jewish Community Foundation continue with the Manisa and Kemeralti trips.
Rahel Butros: A Strong Woman in ´Documentary of 33 Women´
Rahel Butros: A Strong Woman in ´Documentary of 33 Women´
The ´Documentary of 33 Women´ bringing together the entrepreneur and strong women of Hatay, including also Rahel Elvaşvili Butros, is getting ready to come to life as a rather sensational social responsibility project.
5th International Conference on Israel and Judaism Studies
5th International Conference on Israel and Judaism Studies
The 5th annual International Conference on Israel and Judaism Studies (ICIJS´21) is being organized by ´Israiliyat: Journal of Israeli and Judaic Studies´ on December 6-10, 2021.
Book Talk & Concert with Renan Koen at Historical Italian Synagogue
Book Talk & Concert with Renan Koen at Historical Italian Synagogue
Pianist, composer, soprano, educator, writer, and music therapist Renan Koen organized an online event via Zoom for her book Positive Resistance in th...
´Synagogues of Turkey´ Exhibition at Balat Ahrida Synagogue
´Synagogues of Turkey´ Exhibition at Balat Ahrida Synagogue
The 'Synagogues of Turkey' book written by Naim A. Güleryüz and photographed by Izzet Keribar is being published for the second time after 1...
Sukkot Celebration in Ankara
Sukkot Celebration in Ankara
Translation by Janet MITRANIThis year Sukkot has been celebrated with two special events in Ankara. In honor of Jews' 1700 years of Jewish life in Ger...
Jewish Traces from Balat to Galata Tour on ´European Day of Jewish Culture´
Jewish Traces from Balat to Galata Tour on ´European Day of Jewish Culture´
Quincentenial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews is organizing a special tour for the European Day of Jewish Culture which will be celebrated on Sunday...
Annette Bat-Mitzvah Club´s Belated Ceremony
Annette Bat-Mitzvah Club´s Belated Ceremony
The Annette Bat-Mitzvah Club realized their ceremony that had been belated because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality´s Initiatives Towards Different Religions and Faith Groups
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality´s Initiatives Towards Different Religions and Faith Groups
Fifty religious deputies of different faith and religions have been working in Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) along with the Sunni-Hanafi imams, for over a year, in order to handle the funeral proceedings of citizens of different beliefs. Among them, there is also a Jewish religious deputy.
President Erdoğan´s Greetings for Rosh Hashanah
President Erdoğan´s Greetings for Rosh Hashanah
President Tayyip Erdoğan congratulated the Rosh Hashanah Holiday of the Jewish citizens in his press statement: "We believe that we, as the people that have a shared past dating back centuries, will build a shared future as well."
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