The Time of Our Rejoicing: Sukkot

Sukkot (plural of sukkah, meaning covered huts) is celebrated to commemorate our ancestors´ living under the huts they had made of sticks and leaves they could find in the desert while traveling from Egypt to the promised land.
The Time of Our Rejoicing: Sukkot

On Rosh Hashanah, we crowned God as our king. Keeping in mind that every creature created by God is important and that God always remembers us, we listened to the sounds of Shofar experiencing it excite, inspire our feelings deep down inside us.

Then came Yom Kippur, we dwelled on our lives, relationships, our mission in life, made teshuvah and we made a resolution to make teshuva in the new year.

Now it is time to celebrate the most joyful and enthusiastic holiday of the Jewish calendar, Sukkot. The Sukkot festival is described as 'the time of our Rejoicing' and is the third of the Shalosh Regalim (the three festivals; Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot. It is full of rich symbols, signifying our relationship with God, like Arba Minim (Four Kinds), four special species of vegetation, sitting in the special huts full of green and leaves made especially for the festival, rejoicing and being thankful for the things God gave us.

This year the Sukkot festival that lasts for seven days and nights starts at nightfall on Friday, October 2nd.

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