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20 January
Happy Rebirthday Mr. Director! - My Tribute to David Lynch 'Shiviti' is seen in the synagogues and it means "I have set God before me at all times", as a reminder of the divine. The 'Shiviti' is placed on the walls of the synagogues to ensure that the worshipper shall have a proper posture and state of mind while praying.
They are the meditative representatives of the menorah used in some Jewish communities, to contemplate on the Name of God.
Shiviti symbolizes the ineffable four-letter Hebrew name of God, the Tetragrammaton, and represents the Menorah of the Beit Hamikdash.
This particular 'Shiviti', in the museum's collection, can be seen in the Ethnography section of the Quincentenial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews.