The Meaningful Meeting of the Kuzguncuk Communities

T.C. Presidency Department of Communications, Department of Strategy Development have started a project named ´The Mosaic of Turkey - Meeting Point for Different Religions´.
The Meaningful Meeting of the Kuzguncuk Communities

T.C. (Republic of Turkey) Presidency, Department of Communications, Department of Strategy Development have started a project titled 'The Mosaic of Turkey - Meeting Point for Different Religions'.

In the context of the project, Head of Kuzguncuk Jewish Community Beto Adato, Chief Imam of Kuzguncuk Aydın Vatan, Head of Kuzguncuk Armenian Community Edip Ayvaz, Head of Kuzguncuk Greek Community Sava Kotam, the Reeve of Kuzguncuk Faik Kaptan, and some foundation executives, forming a beautiful mosaic, had lunch all together.

Later during this meaningful meeting, they visited the mosque, synagogue and the churches in Kuzguncuk. During the event, where friendships have cherished and good intentions were shared, the decision to continue these meetings was made.


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