“Anti-Semitism should be defined as a separate crime”

We had a chance to talk with Adv. Filiz Kerestecioğlu - a lawyer of thirty years, a defender of women’s rights, the creator of the song ‘Kadınlar Vardır’ (Women Exist) and activist – regarding the general situation before the upcoming general elections and the HDP’s approach towards Turkish Jewry. We present to you a brief interview that we selected from this conversation: Equality to the peoples and freedom for beliefs.
“Anti-Semitism should be defined as a separate crime”
Gabay and Adv. Filiz Kerestecioglu

In light of Hamas’ terrorist attacks that force the people of Israel into bunkers and their stance that ignores the existence of Israel, do you believe that the statement of “Opposing the policy of massacre and occupation perpetuated by the government of Israel and ending the occupation of Palestine” within the foreign policy section of the HDP’s election manifesto is one sided and perpetuates an attitude that is not constructive and which contains strong accusations? In light of this statement, how do you aim to achieve peace through a one-sided approach? 

The statement in the manifesto that you mentioned is actually not only against the Israeli government, it is a statement against all governments that have implemented occupation policies until today! Hamas, as you would also appreciate, is not a political entity with policies that we can associate ourselves with. Just as we object to the oppressive actions of the Israeli government against the Palestinian people, Hamas’ oppressive actions against the Israeli people should also be opposed. In this sense, it cannot be said that we have a one-sided approach. Essentially, we believe that the daily economic and social lives of neither of the two peoples should be restricted and that the violence should end. We believe the solution to this problem can be achieved through the brotherhood of the people and their common will. Naturally, the application of the universal rights that have been established by the UN is another point we regard as important…


What are your planned actions regarding the statements in your election manifesto regarding combating anti-Semitism and ensuring that minorities are all equal citizens before the law? 

Actually, it might be necessary for anti-Semitism to be regulated as a separate crime. This is because in undemocratic countries and in our country, general provisions relating to racism are not sufficiently protective and consequently certain emphasis should be made with finer detail. Particularly, the fact that certain media institutions rely upon hate speech and targeting Jews when the slightest thing happens in Israel or – even if there has not been an event – when they are voicing opposition to something unrelated in Turkey, is an important problem for Jews and should be opposed and condemned by all those defending rights. Our proposal is “great humanity” and peace everywhere and in every area! We say equality to the people and freedom to beliefs, and as this will be possible by guaranteeing equal citizenship in the most fundamental source, which is the constitution, we are ready to implement this by asking for the opinion of all identities and cultures.


What do you plan to do regarding the subject that has come to the forefront of the agenda in recent years, of the return of the property of the minority associations and charities? 

First of all, new changes must be made to the Law of Charities and Associations. The current form and application of Temporary Article 11 is not sufficient regarding certain problems that are existent and awaiting resolution. One of these problems is due to the “1936 Declaration”. The fact that the article is based on the Declaration of ’36 has deprived associations and charities that do not have a ’36 Declaration (for example the associations and charities in Antakya) from the right to property. This situation should be rectified. Another important problem relating to the article is that it does not contain a provision relating to real estate that is registered to the 1936 Declaration and is possessed by congregation charities but is registered in the land registry in the name of state institutions. An amendment should be made to this article in accordance with the requirements of the rule of law. Additionally, the provisions of the article relating to “compensation” should also be expanded. Also, new and just provisions relating to real estate that belongs to congregations that have been registered in the name of fused associations and which are being administered by the General Directorate of Associations and Charities, should also be formed. Additionally, we believe it necessary for the Election Regulation to be amended and for the obstacles impeding the freedom of association be removed.


Some regard the language used by Mr. Demirtaş as a project that will continue until the elections. Considering on one hand the saddening attacks against election offices in different parts of the country and on the other hand the peaceful language that has come to the forefront during this election and the obvious concerns that nevertheless persist, why do you believe a Turkish Jew should vote for the HDP? 

Regardless of whether a conservative or various liberal governments came to power, unfortunately they were all able to reach a compromise on the policies of the nation state that are opposing minorities. As HDP, we are a party that questions the policy of the Turkification of Anatolia and creating a Muslim bourgeoisie. As I just stated, when we say “Greater Humanity and peace”, we want equality for people and freedom for religions. Our manifesto has been created by the common mental input and effort of all of the elements and is our most important surety. The language of peace can never be temporary and cannot be language that can be used temporarily for the purposes of election advertisement. In fact, we strongly believe that contrary to this aforementioned view, we are the surety for all of the people of this country living together in peace and for everyone having the chance to freely express themselves. In this sense, we deeply believe that not only the members party, all of you – regardless of whether they are members of the party or not – play an important role in this.


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