Ulus Jewish Schools Ready for the ´New Normal´
Ulus Jewish Schools which completed their utmost hygiene precautions during the summer, is ready for face to face education besides online and hybrid education systems as per any decision the Ministry of National Education might take in the future.
Translation by Janet MITRANI
We talked to the Ulus Jewish Schools (UÖMO) Foundation and Administrators about the infrastructure formations suitable for education in the new normal, effective education systems and health precautions, and got information about their preparations for the new term.
UÖMO's technical infrastructure system has been restructured from scratch to be able to provide synchronous education.
Wide-angle USB cameras that are able to turn 360 degrees, zoom the teacher, the smart boards, and/or the blackboards in the class were placed in all the classes. In order for the teachers' sounds to be heard clearly, lavalier microphones compatible with the system are purchased and memberships to the software the students will use to attend the classes online are provided. Thus providing half of the class attend the classes from home and half in school, live at the same time. If either a student or a class shall be compelled to stay at home due to a related case of COVID-19, they will be able to continue their classes online from their houses and not miss classes for 14 days.
Training of the UÖMO educators continued all through the summer and still is...
For the distance learning to be effective, the system is based on the David Paul Ausubel's 'Meaningful Learning' principle. Our teachers have already started preparing the subject videos they will routinely upload on the Google Classroom. These videos are the videos with the 'entry and exit cards' system that pause and direct questions at the students, testing what is learned. Besides applications such as Screencastify, Notability, Web 2.0 tools, Canva, Wizer.me, Padlet, Wordwall, Quizlet, HSP, Mind Map, etc. software programs will be used for interactive studies.
Feedback is crucial in distance education. Our teachers are also working on the feedback systems, criteria, and assessment and evaluation applications that will be carried out during the year.
Critical decisions were made to create healthy environments in common areas.
Thermal cameras measuring body temperatures in all entry points, hand disinfection machines with sensors at entry points and common areas, AC systems that ensure 100% clean air are placed at the school.
Classes, school buses will be cleaned every day with the ULV (Ultra-low volume) disinfectant sprayers.
While the computers, laptop keyboards, education materials will be disinfected at the end of every school day, the toys will be cleaned with vapor steam cleaners.
In the cafeteria which is redesigned according to social distancing, every class will eat during their own time slot. Students will sit at the seats reserved for them every day, to be able to ensure health follow up.
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