“Archival Memories: Marcell Restle’s Research in Anatolia and Beyond” Exhibition

“Archival Memories: Marcell Restle’s Research in Anatolia and Beyond” exhibition, organized by ‘Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED)’, in the context of the fifth annual ‘International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Sympozium’, will be open for visitors until December 1st.
“Archival Memories: Marcell Restle’s Research in Anatolia and Beyond” Exhibition

In the exhibition curated by Lioba Theis from Vienna University, Su Sultan Akülker and Caroline Mang, the visitors are able to inspect art historian Marcell Restle’s systematic study technique, as well as reviewing hundreds of photographs, written documents, technical and photogrammetric drawings and audio-visual recordings of the Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman art and architecture. 

The archive consists of four parts. In the first three, Restle’s researches conducted in Istanbul, Anatolia and Syria’s Hauran region are displayed chronologically. In the last part, a short story about the archive is shown.

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